hydrodynamic method


Short description of the hydrodynamic method:
Hydrodynamic method of cleaning is based on the use of water jet cutting qualities. Water jet cuts top layer and makes hypertension between it and the base layer which detaches the top layer from the base. High-pressure water jet hits the surface of the base with supersonic speed at the same time giving her its condensed energy. That is why this method is so effective - water jet can reach the most inaccessible places. In particularly difficult cases, the pressure above 1000 bar is used. Water under such pressure cuts concrete, rust, hard coat, epoxide and ebonite surfaces. Steel cutting is possible with the use of special nozzles and the addition of abrasive material. There are applications where the hydrodynamic method is particularly recommended, or even indispensable.

Depending on the water pressure, hydrodynamic processes can be divided into:

  • Low pressure cleaning ( P<70 bars )
  • High-pressure cleaning ( 70<P<700 bars )
  • High-pressure hydrodynamic cleaning (700<P<1700 bars)
  • Ultra-high-pressure hydrodynamic cleaning (P>1700 bars)